Aztlan Athletics Foundation Sports Camp

Aztlan Athletics Foundation (AAF) has been a strong advocate for health and wellness programs since 1974, since then AAF has partnered with organizations throughout Southern California to create events and activities to bring awareness of the health benefits of being physically active.

As such, AAF is excited to announce sports camps for high school athletes. The camp is designed to increase knowledge of the sport of running, develop technique and form, and improve performance. This camp will be great training for any athlete who runs track or cross country, plays soccer, basketball, or any other sport. All talent levels are welcomed and will be encouraged and challenged.

Click here to view 2022 camp pictures

Click here to view 2023 camp pictures

Click here to view 2024 camp pictures

Who: High School Athletes.
Where: Malibu Creek SP
When: 07/22-07/25

Deadline: July 12 2024 (Limited space, first come, first serve basis)
Cost: $250 (With AAF Grant) per athlete

1. Download and fill out application

2. Pay online (Deadline is 7/12/24)

3. Email application to no later than 7/12/24.

Download and send application to Edgar Pelayo
Download Camp Application
Download Sponsor Application

Contact: Edgar Pelayo

2024 Camp Payment
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